Now that you have some basic tools from the previous blog, it's time to start!
If you understand the basics of coding in JavaScript and html then you can skip this section!
If not, you need to learn a few simple things before proceeding. People learn coding in their own unique ways. To many, it seems like people who know how to code just simply "know" how to do it. This, obviously, is not true.
There are three basic ways to learn how to code: online, by book, or through a class. Let's look at each one:
1. Online: Presumably the most effective way to learn coding, online lessons are often free and let you learn at your own pace. I used It's free and very straightforward. Another alternative is I haven't used this site personally, but I've heard good things about it.
When using an online program, remember it is important to test your skills as you go. Get creative and try to make your own applets or webpages. You can use websites like to test your code. A good project to start with is a simple gpa calculator. It allows you to test your JavaScript skills and apply them in a useful project. (*Hint- If you want to create it using solely JavaScript and no html then use "prompt("string");" to set the values of variables. Use "alert(variable of result)" to display the output of the awesome calculator you just created.)
2. By Book: This is the classic method for learning the art of programming. To some, it's the most natural way to learn how to code. For others (myself) it's a long process that does not pair well with a low attention span. If you are one of those people who believe they would benefit from book learning, go to your local book store and pick up some text on html, javascript, and css coding.
Even more so for book learners, it is important to practically apply the skills you have worked hard to acquire. Try the project I described above! If you need any assistance you can contact me at
3. Through classroom instruction: Coding classes can be hit or miss. You will cover A LOT more than you need to know, but, in doing so, you will also have an advanced reputire of skills which will prove helpful as you wrestle with more complicated problems such as data structuring. For basic app development, however, I wouldn't recommend classroom instruction unless you are going to be developing some hardcore software.
In my next blog, I will show you a sample app I coded in about an hour using Telerik. The skills required for this app are minimal, so most of you should be able to relate your learning thus far with the project.
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